Our mission is to enable individuals with Autism and Intellectual Disabilities to live fulfilled and enriched adult lives in a home of their own that is filled with love, joy, and dignity. Our NJ residents will actively engage with their community through vocational, recreational, and social activities while gaining life skills to live as independently as possible.

Phase One

Acquire property of 5-10 acres and establish residence and staffing for 5 adults. Develop the residents’ comfort and familiarity with the routine of their choosing; Day Program combined with work, or DSP and self-directed activities in the community, including possible work and/or volunteering. Establish a maintenance/ADL schedule appropriate to the property; ie, landscape maintenance, caring for animals on the property, etc.

Phase Two

Develop opportunities to bring the community into our property, whether through programming on the weekend, a Bed and Breakfast for Autism Families, or an on-site cafe, where parents can relax, and children can participate in volunteer supervised activities on the premises.

Phase Three

Expand the residential capacity of the property by building an additional home or renovating an existing building. We will continue to grow our capacity to meet the overwhelming need of our community by serving as many adults as we can. We also want to help others to develop their vision for adult living with profound autism and intend to make our model available to others.

It is our goal at HomeLife 21 to develop the crown jewel in all of NJ for independent living with profound autism. Our adult children deserve a loving, comfortable and peaceful home, with all the support they need to be as independent as possible. Our community deserves a place where these Autism families can come and be free of judgment, experience what’s possible, and perhaps even relax and recharge!

Projected revenue required for Phase 1: $2.7 Million

Estimated Purchase price of property: $2.5 M

Improvements and upgrades: $.2 M